

B.S. 在公共关系,'16


布里安·法雷尔(Brianne法雷尔)(16届)的座右铭是:“最好的是更好的。.这激励她把每一天都看作是成长的机会, 学习, 并在她的公共关系事业上取得进步. 她在PBA培养了这种价值观, 在那里,她被鼓励和支持包围着,成为最好的自己. Graduating with a sense of God’s call and a tried-and-true skill set for success, Brianne自信地向世界展示她独特的声音. 看看她的旗鱼故事.


I am the communication coordinator at the law firm of Gunster in 西推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您, Florida. Gunster specializes in business law, started almost 90 years ago and has 13 offices around the state. 我的办公室就在律师事务所对面! 在市场部,我什么都要做一点. Mostly I’m responsible for the daily communication initiatives to advance the firm’s business development strategies for its 200 attorneys. These promotions range from media announcements and email campaigns to website content and social media. 我也扩展成了一名活动策划人, organizing meetings that encompass receptions with Florida legislators to large industry conferences with Florida business leaders.

I am also pursuing a Master’s Degree in Digital Political Communication from the University of Florida. Although I doubted whether I’d be able to handle a full-time job in addition to graduate school, the education and skills I’ve been able to apply to my current role has proven invaluable. I would encourage anyone who’s considering furthering their education to do it as soon as possible!


PBA提供了从事教授和宝贵的动手学习的机会. For Brianne, that meant high-stakes internships and local professional connections. PBA公共关系专业 meant that Brianne wasn’t just ready to launch a career; she was surrounded by a circle of support, 她的成功是每个人的目标.



在PBA I realized early on how valuable internships and real-world experiences are prior to graduation. 在PBA, I was fortunate to intern with Shamin Abas Public Relations where I worked with high-net worth clientele to secure media coverage in the New York Times, 《十大网投平台信誉排行榜首页》, 时尚, 高谭市, 高级的生活, 亿万富翁杂志, 等. I also interned with the local chapter of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) to assist with their digital media initiatives. Through that I started the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) chapter at PBA. My internships helped me make connections with successful business leaders who guided me in the pursuit of my calling.

What do you know now that you wish you had known about being a working professional?

I think it can be really easy to put your classes and college experience in a box and feel like it won’t necessarily apply to whatever you do outside of college. 但如果我从职业生涯中学到了什么, 每一步都是目标的一部分. Of course some classes won’t be your favorite and you may have to go through some challenging hurdles (looking at you, 会计), but I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had moments of gratitude for things I learned in class. It’s incredibly important to be present and absorb everything you’re learning now, 因为它将是你职业生涯中至关重要的工具. Being a working professional is one giant group project, so start preparing now.



One of the greatest distinctions of my education at PBA was that I was equipped with career-level training before I ever left the classroom. 通过公关项目的高级顶点课程, I had the opportunity to develop and implement the BAEcon campaign for the Animal Agriculture Alliance – an industry-united, non-profit organization that helps bridge the communication gap between farm and fork. The goal of the campaign was to educate college students who had been targeted by animal activist groups to “know the facts” before making dietary choices that could affect the rest of their life. The campaign involved giving out free bacon to college students while simultaneously engaging them through positive messaging about the agriculture industry. The BAEcon campaign turned out to be an incredible success and I even got the opportunity to spend my senior finals week in Washington, D.C. 向农业行业高层领导介绍该活动.

The greatest accomplishment of my undergraduate career was serving as a student leader for 3 of those years. 透过学生活动委员会及督导委员会, I learned how to be an effective and efficient leader as well as what it means to pursue excellence. What started as a creative outlet for me ended up molding me into the professional I am today and led to some of the greatest friendships and mentorships I’ve ever known.

What advice would you give to current PBA students and/or young alumni who are just about to start their first professional full-time job?

就像把你的类放在一个盒子里很容易, 把你的工作放在盒子里也很容易. 你可能一出校门就找到了自己梦寐以求的工作, 也可能不是, 但这两项工作都会让你为未来做好准备. 我在PBA的最后一年,学校的主题是“向目标进发”,这个主题再适合不过我生命中的那个时期了. 无论是你的大学课程为你进入现实世界做准备, 或者所有能帮你找到理想工作的工作, 每一步都会让你变得更好. A quote I heard one time that has become a personal motto in my career is that “Better comes before best. 随着时间的推移会变得更好,只有在大量的更好之后才会出现最好.”



从PBA开始的事情不会在这里结束. Openness 学习ing and asking for support is part of the recipe for success that you learn as a Sailfish. Both receiving help and giving it are always the building blocks of a community that works together to make a lasting impact.


Have you been mentored by anyone in your professional field since entering the workforce? 如果有,这对你有什么影响?

I was fortunate enough to have my professional mentor end up being someone who only sits a few feet away from me every day at work. 我的同事Kim给了我挑战和鼓励, 让我从大学到职业生涯的过渡几乎无缝衔接. I encourage everyone to find a professional mentor for all stages of your career, 因为在你溢出到别人身上之前,你需要被倾注进去.

重点报道于2018年6月发布. 有关Brianne的最新消息, 访问她的LinkedIn页面.


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